
Material, Synthesis and Discovery

Conferences and talks

"Influence of SOx exposure on Ni-based SOEC Perovskite Oxides for H2 production" DOE-EFRC UNCAGE-ME Quarterly meeting, October 2023

“Speciation and Uniformity of Supported Catalysts Control Using Flame Spray Pyrolysis” The sustainable Lab, University of California Riverside, October 2022

“Incorporation of Film Theory in Single Droplet Combustion Model for Prediction of Precursor Release in Flame Spray Pyrolysis” 39th International Symposium on Combustion, Vancouver, Canada, July 2022 (Virtual)

“Atomically Dispersed Pd in Flame Synthesized Pd/CeO2 Catalyst for Methane Oxidation Reactions” Atomically Dispersed Metal Catalysts I session, 27th North American Catalysis Society Meeting, New York, May 2022.

“Single Droplet Combustion Modelling for Catalyst Synthesis with Flame Spray Pyrolysis” Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division, AIChE conference, 2021

“Enhanced Metal-Support Interaction of Flame Synthesized Pd/CeO2 Catalysts for Methane Oxidation” Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division, AIChE conference, 2021

“Application of Single Droplet Combustion Modelling for Design of Nanomaterials with Flame Synthesis" ILASS-Americas 2021